twentytwo! (film)

It was a pretty fun birthday, thanks guys : )


There are a lot of blurry ones (I was drinking) but I’m just going to post them all because its a waste of film not to right? Haha.



Kirk's sexy pose
Karl and Nozomi - both super talented artists!
I only had one shot to capture this scary glazed eyes thing and...success! Haha pretty creepy.
Momo you're such a badass.
Haha Sunny Sunshine!
This was Allan's first time drinking
Jon looking...scared?
I really like the way this one came out.


I’m feeling pretty good about this year.

*click images for full view

6 responses to “twentytwo! (film)

  1. happy birthday!! looks like you had a nice time – blurry can be good : )

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